
Diagnosis and treatment of dermatological issues which can cause discomfort, pain, and disease.

Skin issues in dogs and cats are caused by various underlying health problems.

What types of skin issues do you treat in cats and dogs?

Some of the conditions we treat include:

  • Itchy and flaky skin
  • Rashes
  • Hot spots
  • Scabs (bacterial infection of the skin)
  • Miliary Dermatitis
  • Pyoderma/impetigo
  • Infected skin
  • Allergic skin reactions
  • Folliculitis
  • And so much more!

How can I treat my pet’s skin issues at home?

We strongly advise that you refrain from DIY remedies. Doing so can cause further harm and expense. Once you notice any causes of concern, please schedule an appointment with the vet. Your pet will be properly diagnosed, and the right treatment can be prescribed to them. This can include topical creams, oral medications, laser therapy, dietary changes, and more.

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